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ApisixRoute/v1 (Deprecated) Reference

WARNINIG: ApisixRoute/v1 is obsolete and will be unsupported in the future, please use ApisixRoute/v2beta1!

rulesarrayApisixRoute's request matching rules.
hoststringThe requested host.
httpobjectRoute rules are applied to the scope of layer 7 traffic.
pathsarrayPath-based route rule matching.
backendobjectBackend service information configuration.
serviceNamestringThe name of backend service. namespace + serviceName + servicePort form an unique identifier to match the back-end service.
servicePortintThe port of backend service. namespace + serviceName + servicePort form an unique identifier to match the back-end service.
pathstringThe URI matched by the route. Supports exact match and prefix match. Example,exact match: /hello, prefix match: /hello*.
pluginsarrayCustom plugin collection (Plugins defined in the route level). For more plugin information, please refer to the Apache APISIX plugin docs.
namestringThe name of the plugin. For more information about the example plugin, please check the limit-count docs.
enablebooleanWhether to enable the plugin, true: means enable, false: means disable.
configobjectConfiguration of plugin information. Note: The check of configuration schema is missing now, so please be careful when editing.