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How to install APISIX only?#

The Charts will install ETCD 3.4.14 by default. If you want to install Apache APISIX only, please set etcd.enabled=false and set{http://your_etcd_address:2379}.

Please use the FQDN or the IP address of the ETCD cluster.

# if etcd export by kubernetes service need spell fully qualified name$ helm install apisix apisix/apisix \    --set etcd.enabled=false \    --set{http://etcd_node_1:2379\,http://etcd_node_2:2379}

Why get 403 when I access Apache APISIX admin api?#

We can define admin.allow.ipList in CIDR.

$ helm install apisix apisix/apisix \    --set admin.allow.ipList="" \    --set admin.allow.ipList=""

If you want to allow all IPs for a quick test, just set admin.allow.ipList=""

$ helm install apisix apisix/apisix \    --set admin.allow.ipList=""